We invite you for a conversation - to discover, dare and believe that everything is possible.

Teaching methodology: emotional intelligence + philosophy of non-formal education, which intersects with the principles of humanistic pedagogy. You would engage in practical-experimental tasks and provocations, work in groups, discuss, reflect and make self-assessments. 

We offer a list of available themes - you can choose and create a custom one or two day program. Each of our programs is tailor-made and adapted to your needs.


  • Concentration of the school community: key principles of teamwork and cooperation for teachers and school leaders.
  • Vocational teacher fatigue and strategies to overcome it.
  • Happy Teacher: How to find a balance between external world pace and inner self?
  • Problems are like challenges. How to get ready for them? 
  • Conflict resolution for Teachers and Student Groups
  • Stress management.
  • Ensuring the intern's readiness of the learner as the guarantor of his professionalism and motivation.
  • Stereotypes at school and in our lives. Labeling and how to learn to recognize them? 
  • Positive in the educational process.
  • Knowledge and management of group processes in working with groups of people - communication and collaboration. 
  • Regularities and Challenges.Synthesis of non-formal education and creativity in working with students.
  • Kindness and tolerance. Are all the same values true? 
  • I want to be different. Ease or jump to ice water? 
  • Positive in everyday life. Beyond Facebook: Me and We. Conversations about Z times: regularities and challenges.Receive feedback and share it


  • Lecture-discussion: Emotional assessment of interpersonal relationships: between love, duty and everyday pace.
  • Talking to parents: Teaching or learning together?


  • Liberation and goal-setting in the leader;
  • Emotional Intelligence: The Steps of Self-Cognition and Meaning;Liberation of feelings: thought and emotion, positive - negative. How do I hear the true one?Personal values. Self-esteem, self-confidence and respect for others: "I" and "we". How are you Where are the difficulties?Group formation and knowledge of group dynamics processes;How to know another / different? Perceptions of differences between people, tolerance limits, stereotypes and personal preferences;Creative program for young people with famous artists: seeing each other's eyes (for school classes).