Management meeting, Vilnius, 12-13 November, 2024, Venue: Mano GURU (Vilnius str., Vilnius)
Atnaujinome ilgametę Babilono jaunimo centro socialinio emocinio ugdymo(si) programą klasėms. Programa KARTU KITAIP gimnazistams - tai žingsnis pirmiausiai į savąjį aš, jo pažinimą, išlaisvinimą ir lyderio prikėlimą. Ne to lyderio, kuris būtinai veda iš paskos kitus, bet lyderio savyje pirmiausiai, kai supranti, kas ir koks esi, apie ką svajoji. Laisvo ir kūrybiško žmogaus pažadinimas savyje tarp kitų skirtingų. Iniciatyvos ir atsakomybės išlaisvinimas.
Management meeting, Vilnius, 12-13 November, 2024, Venue: Mano GURU (Vilnius str., Vilnius)
Event leading by Organisation Jaunimo centras Babilonas, October 23, 2024 (13:00-17:00)
Venue: Raseinių Šaltinio progimnazija (Ateities g. 23, LT-60154 Raseiniai) – the school in the middle of Lithuania
Participants: 70 - mainly teachers from Raseiniai, Klaipeda, Priekule, Vilnius (Lithuania) teaching at secondary level, many from the field of humanities (those who teach about social issues).
We’ve also had guests from the local authorities and even representative from LT Foreign ministry (Vytautas Pinkus) and colleagues from Anna Lindh foundation in Lithuania.
Introduction of the project and the training;
Description of the target group;
The challenges of film selection – watching a movie together;
Lesson plan’s specifics – workshop in the smaller groups and evaluation;
The meaning of the “field visit“ and how it has worked for youngsters;
Insights from the ongoing work;
The power of methodology – live examples and challenges;
Live discussion with remarks and questions (free conversations with snacks).
Participants: 15 teachers from Lithuania, teaching at secondary level, mostly from the field of humanities (those who teach about social issues, languages, etc.) Selection was made after indication of interest and preference was given to those educators who are working in mixed social environments. The documentary film platform "INCONVENIENT CINEMA CLASS" as well as our international project "Magic off frame" was presented. This platform has been used during all project. Also the possibilities of the platform and the methodological material attached to the documentary was introduced. Watching the movie "The Sea Horse" together with all participants. After the movie all teachers were divided into 3 groups, they had been asked to think and discuss in the groups.
Participation in the project MAGIC OF THE FRAME with partners from Hungary (organization also from ALF network), Netherlands and Bulgaria for Youth centre Babilonas (Lithuania) creates many magic moments discussing, sharing, creating, laughing and learning).
The cozy building De Nieuwe Schuur, situated in the magnificent area of Heprt, welcomed the project management team of Magic of the Frame - Teach with documentary film! for its third meeting on 12 and 13 November 2023.
During the 2 days meeting the 9 partners - Palantír Film Vizuális Antropológiai Alapítvány, Hungary (lead parthner), Changes & Chances, Netherlands, Civil Initiatives Association - Lovech, Bulgaria, CROMO Alapitvany, Hungary, Kürt Alapítvány, Hungary, Professional school of veterinary medicine " Prof. dr. Dimitar Dimov", Bulgaria, Stichting Kunstzinnige Vorming Rotterdam (SKVR), Netherlands, VŠĮ Nepatogus kinas / PO Inconvenient Film, Lithuania, Youth Centre Babilonas, Lithuania - from 4 countries presented their journey in the project using Pecha Kucha method.
All 9 project results have been thoroughly discussed - Curriculum development, Online Database, Tutorial Video for Field Work, Professional Visual Project Diary, Pedagogical Manual, Development of short trainings, Manual about Student Feedback, Toolkit/exercise book (good practices from teachers). The 9 partners paid attention to all PRs implementation. Most of them are already in their finalization phase however the Online database, the Manual about Student Feedback and the Toolkit/exercise book (good practices from teachers) will be in partners’ focus in the next project period. On the second day, the project partners discussed project management issues and talked about the next LTT Teacher exchanges. All 9 project results have been thoroughly discussed - Curriculum development, Online Database, Tutorial Video for Field Work, Professional Visual Project Diary, Pedagogical Manual, Development of short trainings, Manual about Student Feedback, Toolkit/exercise book (good practices from teachers).
Magic of the Frame - Teach with documentary film! is financed by Erasmus+ Programme under contract N: 2021-1-HU01-KA220-SCH-000029686
The 9 partners paid attention to all PRs implementation. Most of them are already in their finalization phase however the Online database, the Manual about Student Feedback and the Toolkit/exercise book (good practices from teachers) will be in partners’ focus in the next project period. n the second day, the project partners discussed project management issues and talked about the next LTT Teacher exchanges.
Magic of the Frame - Teach with documentary film! is financed by Erasmus+ Programme under contract N: 2021-1-HU01-KA220-SCH-000029686
The teachers meeting of Magic of the Frame - Teach with documentary film! in the Netherlands was focused on many practical activities which encouraged exchange of teachers’ experience related to the project. A theater workshop based on the HUGO Magic program (lesson 6) was hosted by Dutch teachers. The LTT program continued with discussion. Very interesting points of view and different perspectives have been shared: '' … The documentary of the Circle created beautiful conversations and moments of recognition and experiences among the students. Brotherhood, relationships, poverty, racism, and role models were all discussed. It was a beautiful thing for me to see how students with completely different backgrounds started talking to each other about the lack of good role models or the importance of recognition of a father figure in the family. Unfortunately, when I was growing up, these conversations were still taboo. I am happy that this is a project that creates a safe space for the younger generation to discuss their issues.'' (one of the Dutch teachers). This emotional workshop was followed by creating a space where the project teachers can learn how to turn their efforts into an imaginative teaching method.
In the afternoon the participants went to 100% contemporary tour + workshop in order to face Rotterdam’s vibrant urban culture as a basis for activities, informing engagement with social topics and developments.
On the second day, the involvement into imaginative teaching methods continued. Ed Santman presented the short film Educating musical theory to a child, scolar, student, professional and a genius.
The project LTT meeting finished with a discussion regarding the next steps and teachers networking.
Magic of the Frame - Teach with documentary film! is financed by Erasmus+ Programme under contract N: 2021-1-HU01-KA220-SCH-000029686
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The teachers meeting of Magic of the Frame - Teach with documentary film! In Lithuania was as useful as interesting and inspiring for the participants. During this 2 days’ meeting teachers from the 4 project countries had the great chance to be involved in the magic of a real documentary festival - The Inconvenient Films festival is an annual human rights documentary film festival which one of the project partners - PO Inconvenient Film has organized for the 17th time. The teachers involved in the project and some project members had access to a unique documentary film selection from all over the world. The program of the LTT meeting offered a lot of different activities among which reconnecting activities, discussions, exchange of experience, feedback and reflections. Teachers presented their work and demonstrated lessons. They had a lot of questions and reactions to each other’s shared experience. On the first meeting day, the project team watched the documentary Grasshoper republic while on the second day all participants got involved in the real adventure of virtual reality movie - Missing 10 Hours. After the movie the participants reflected on the film - what feelings did they experience during the films? How do they feel now? What was the most shocking? Is the topic of the film relevant nowadays? If yes, how, where, when? How can we educate young people to be more aware of the topic? What they, as teachers, could do? How can they use this experience in their class? Later an educator shared her experience as a human rights educator working with documentaries as tools. The project LTT meeting finished with a discussion regarding the Visual diary as one of the Project results. Mgic of the Frame - Teach with documentary film! is financed by Erasmus+ Programme under contract N: 2021-1-HU01-KA220-SCH-000029686
The main goal of the project “Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region” is to promote green growth and sustainability in the Nordic-Baltic region by reaching the SDGs and regional cooperation in building the green future of the region. This project aims is to increase knowledge of young adults, teachers, NGO experts and representative of vulnerable groups about UN SDGs in the context of globalized world, as well as enhance their capacity as well as enhance their capacity to be an agents of change and their engagement towards achieving greener and sustainable lifestyle in their daily activities. Besides creating a thematic international network of Nordic-Baltic actors, project aims to increase the competence and knowledge of the project target groups (young adults, representative of vulnerable groups (migrants, refugees and minorities) also partner organizations on sustainable development in general and on cross-cutting themes of UN’s Agenda 2030 SDG. In addition, the project aims to empower and emphasize the role of NGO educators and teachers at public schools as active and important change makers in the field of sustainable development by increasing their capacity and cooperation opportunities. Project’s activities include an international conference & kick off meeting, 2 transnational partners and experts meetings and 2 workshops sessions including local study visits, development of educational toolkit and web-resource, communication activities related with promotion of sustainable development themes. Project includes partners from six countries mainly from NGOs, Youth and educational centre. In Nordic-Baltic countries we had a sustainable partner who acts as the change maker and facilitator of the national network. During the project, the purpose is to further enhance the network and make it a well functioning and solid platform on sustainable development education. ACTIONS: – International gathering and Kick off Meeting (5 participants per country and 20 locals)
8-10. April 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania – Second workshop sessions on gender equality, digital society, sustainable welfare and accessible education /
The Project is financed by Nordplus Adult program of Nordic Council and international partners. More info:
NordPlus Adult 2021
In situation of the global pandemic both civil society organisations and their clients have been exposed to harmful and depressing realities. PUPARTE project joins in close collaboration adult education organizations in Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The project aims at developing and testing an online method of non formal adult education based on an innovative puppetry methodology in training and therapy. This method focuses on making puppets out of environment friendly materials and objects and animating them in order to tell personal stories and enable communication and building up resilience. The method as group work in presence has been tested in 20 European countries with engagement of over 100 education, art and therapy institutions. The main advantages of this flexible method are: it is accessible to diverse groups of people, creating deep emotional engagement, involvement of body not only brain; immediate results of manual work; low cost.
PUPARTE partners will be developing the online version of the method, piloting it, providing engaged NGO activists in each of the country with new skill sets and building their capacities to serve their clients and promoting the new method in Nordic, Baltic, EU and wider networks. The primary beneficiaries will be civil society and humanitarian organisations, dealing with non-formal adult education and their networks in 4 countries. The final beneficiaries of the methodology will be socially vulnerable adults. Project results aim at gradually impacting adult education of Anna Lindh foundation partners and their colleagues in more than 42 countries (EEA and EU, accession countries, neighborhood countries).
Project aim PUPARTE aims to develop a non-formal online education method to be used in NGOs and with their clients to empower overworked and depressed overcoming harmful COVID-19 pandemic effects.
PUPARTE aims to train NGO activists in new skill sets, built the capacities of civil society organizations across the Nordic-Baltic region for an innovative adapted to online application adult learning method through the use of art and creativity.
PUPARTE also aims at creating a larger network of experts in adult education in the region and outside it that can benefit from the application of the new online education method. In the future PUPARTE aims to contribute towards the wider application of innovative adult education methods that are able to address educational, communication, social inclusion, and other challenges that are faced by the target groups within the partners’ networks - young people, women in need of assistance, refugees among others and motivate them to uptake the method developed and provide them with digital resources and support.
People United for Puppets as Artistic, Regenerative and Transnational experience (PUPARTE) NPAD-2021/10078 PUPPETS IN ACTION – ONLINE TRAINING for TRAINERS - course of three webinars: 30 October, 13 and 27 November 2021
Take part in a three-day practical puppetry training o find out how to combine a true learning with fun, creativity and self-development experience. Puppet theatre is practiced as a tool in education and/or therapy and helps to develop personal stories and express emotions, needs and thoughts, to tackle sensitive issues. It motivates for change. It involves manual labor by creating a puppet and brings immediate results – a reward for involvement and undertaking the efforts.
During three sessions (3 x 4 hours with an hour break between two sessions) the participants will learn how to:
For those who are not familiar with puppetry art it is usually something of a revelation that puppets can be as good in acting, as people (or even better!). They are unexpectedly easy to make, and they let us discover our own imagination and sensitivity. Simple objects and materials can be brought to life on stage, can represent any real or imaginary person/creature and any feeling, emotion or phenomenon. Becoming alive and specific, they are at the same time metaphorical. This is why puppets are so useful in raising and discussing important issues (personal and social) on stage. They are also very good for involving in communication those who are shy or self-contained. One can always hide behind a puppet yet being able to express true feelings and emotions.
Towards inclusive and sustainable Europe (2020 - 2022)
Democratic engagement and civic participation
Project aims to raise awareness about the importance of involving migrants and minorities fully in the civic society as well as sensitising them to understand and appreciate the normality of different worldviews, customs and ways of life among human beings. In addition the project aims to support migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society and enhance their feeling of belonging to the community, both local and European. Project activities includes: six public debates in partner countries on questions challenging minorities/migrants and our society; a media campaign on combating the stigmatisation and importance of inclusion/integration target groups; and a central event of the project is an active citizenship week with a very diverse agenda. We aim to simultaneously highlight minority and migrants’ involvement on a local level and in the larger European Community and celebrate it. Active citizenship week includes: concerts, intercultural fair, creative workshops and an international conference. Around that event we aim to build an informal network of organisations, governmental institutions and active citizens working on ground with migrants and minority.
Target groups: minorities, migrants, refugees, youth and citizens of EU.
Estonia, Sillamäe Society
for Child Welfare (lead partner)
Finland, Fimitrant RY
Sweden, Burgårdens
Latvia, Generation
Lithuania, Youth centre
Germany, Brakula
Netherlands, Theaterschip
Spain, AHEAD Association
of Human Rights Educators
Portugal, CulturFACE -
Associação Cultural Para o Desenvolvimento
Slovakia, Human Rights
Greece, House of Europe
in Rhodes
2017-2019 m. Erasmus+ programos suaugusiųjų švietimo strateginių partnerysčių projektas socialiai pažeistoms visuomenės grupėms.
Daugiau apie projektą: Methodological-Guidelines-Create-a-Puppet-Create-Yourself.pdf (
2009-2010 m. UNESCO finansuotas projektas mokytojų neformaliojo ugdymo bei tarpkultūrinių gebėjimų stiprinimui.
2011 m. ES programos „Veiklus jaunimas“ remiamas jaunimo mainų projektas.
2007-2009 m. ES Mokymosi visą gyvenimą Grundtvig programos projektas suaugusiųjų mokytojams, dirbantiems su socialiai jautriomis grupėmis.